2019년 04월 14일
NExT 주일예배
이사야 Isaiah 52:13-53:12
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. Christ’s exaltation points to our glorification.
  2. Christ’s humiliation calls for our sanctification.
  3. Christ’s substitution results in our justification.

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2019년 03월 31일
NExT 주일예배
이사야 Isaiah 61:1-11
말씀 신용성 목사 By Rev. Yongsung Shin

  1. The Proclamation of the Gospel: God’s favor(1-3)
  2. The Result of the Gospel: Blessings(4-9)
  3. The Response to the Gospel: Joy(10-11)

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2019년 03월 24일
NExT 주일예배
이사야 Isaiah 59:1-21
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. Understand the depravity of sin (vs. 1-8)
  2. Practice the humility of confession (vs. 9-15a)
  3. Believe the certainty of salvation (vs. 15b-21)

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2019년 03월 17일
NExT 주일예배
이사야 Isaiah 55:1-13
말씀 박혁 목사 By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. God’s invitation: Come as you are. Leave better than you were (1-5)
  2. Our response: Seek to find Him. Allow Him to change your ways (6-9)
  3. The final result: Accept the pardon. Enjoy God works in your life (10-13)

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Our God Saves (8): Going Home

2019년 02월 24일
NExT 주일예배
이사야 Isaiah 35:1-10
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. What is it like? (vv. 1-2)
  2. Who is it for? (vv. 3-7)
  3. which way is it? (vv. 8-10)

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