I am Sending You

2018년 4월 1일 NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 20:19-23
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. The Power of peace
  2. The Promise of Holy Spirit

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2018년 2월 4일 NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 6:35,48,51
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Seek the bread of life.
  2. Seek the bread of life with right intention.
  3. Seek the bread of life to share with others.

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Do. Love. Walk.(2): Love Mercy

2018년 1월 21일 NExT 주일예배
미가 Micah 6:8, 사무엘 하(2 Samuel) 9:1-13
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Park

  1. Seek opportunities to share God’s mercy
  2. Be a part of restoring the brokenness.
  3. Extends God’s grace above and beyond

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A Time of Renewal

A Time of Renewal

2017년 12월 31일 NExT 주일예배
사무엘상 12장 (1 Samuel 12)
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Be That Faithful Person (1-5)
  2. Keep on Following God (13-18)
  3. Live an unforsaken Life (19-25)

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The Psalms of Christmas (1):
O come, O come, Emmanuel – 곧 오소서 임마누엘

2017년 12월 03일 NExT 주일예배
시편 74편 Psalm 74
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. In Jesus, we can find hope in our brokenness.
  2. In Jesus’ coming, we can find the God of history in our presence.
  3. In Jesus, we can find praise in our prayer.

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Praising God in time of Adversity

Praising God in time of Adversity

2017년 11월 19일 NExT 주일예배
시편 Psalms 34:1-10
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Magnify the Lord for what he has given you (1-3)
  2. Sought after the Lord for the answer (4-7)
  3. Taste and see the Lord for the truth (8-10)

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