2019년 11월 03일
NExT 주일예배
데살로니가전서 1 Thessalonians 5:12-5:28
말씀 박혁 목사 By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Godly leadership creates a peaceful community
  2. Godly discipline creates an orderly community
  3. Godly attitude creates joyful worship in a community

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2019년 10월 6일
NExT 주일예배
데살로니가전서 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
말씀 박혁 목사 By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Unshakable faith changes our direction (1-3)
  2. Unshakable faith changes our affection (4-6)
  3. Unshakable faith changes our reflection (7-10)


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2019년 09월 29일
NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 21:1-17
말씀 김용훈 목사 By Rev. Paul Kim

Jesus invites us…

  1. To have our life’s needs met
  2. To restore broken relationships
  3. To be used as the channel of grace

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