I am Sending You

2018년 4월 1일 NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 20:19-23
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. The Power of peace
  2. The Promise of Holy Spirit

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I AM changes who i am(6): The WAY

2018년 3월 11일 NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 14:1-7
말씀 김요셉 목사
By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. Know and believe the way Jesus went(vv. 1-4).
  2. Know and believe the way Jesus is(vv. 5-7).

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2018년 2월 4일 NExT 주일예배
요한복음 John 6:35,48,51
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Seek the bread of life.
  2. Seek the bread of life with right intention.
  3. Seek the bread of life to share with others.

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Do. Love. Walk.(3): Walk Humbly

2018년 1월 28일 NExT 주일예배
미가 Micah 6:8
말씀 김요셉 목사
By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. 구별된 삶: Be different from others.
  2. 헌신된 삶: Be devoted to God.
  3. 충성된 삶: Be determined to last.

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