The Pilgrim’s Progress #5

2022년 7월 03일
NExT 주일예배
1 John 요한일서 2:15-17
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. 전도자를 다시 만나다.
  2. 헛됨의 시장에 들어가다.
  3. 불의한 고난을 당하다.

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Shift(3): Purpose

2022년 5월 8일
NExT 주일예배
Jeremiah 예레미야 29:1-14
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. Be a blessing.
  2. Don’t be deceived.
  3. Outlive your life.

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2021년 10월 17일
NExT 주일예배
Ephesians 에베소서 4:25-5:2
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

  1. Honest communication (4:25)
  2. Righteous anger (4:26-27)
  3. Generous giving (4:28)
  4. Wholesome talk (4:29-30)
  5. Merciful forgiveness (4:31-32)
  6. Sacrificial love (5:1-2)

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2021년 9월 26일
NExT 주일예배
Ephesians 에베소서 2:1-22
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

    1. Our personal identity in Christ (2:1-10)

    1. What we once were (vs. 1-3)
      • a. Dead
      • b. Enslaved: The world, the devil, the flesh
      • c. Condemned
    2. What God has done (vs. 4-7)
      • a. Made alive
      • b. Raised up
      • c. Seated in heaven
    3. What we should be (vs. 8_10)
      • a. Grateful
      • b. Humble
      • c. Good

    2. Our communal identity in Christ(2:11-22)

    1. What we once were (vs. 11-12)
      • a. Outsiders
      • b. Hopeless
      • c. Godless
    2. What God has done (vs. 13-18)
      • a. Abolishing the law
      • b. Creating one new man
      • c. Preaching peace
    3. What we should be (vs. 19-22)
      • a. Citizens in God’s kingdom
      • b. Members of God’s household
      • c. Part of God’s temple

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The Church we hope For

2021년 8월 29일
NExT 주일예배
Psalm 시편 133:1-3
말씀 김요셉 목사 By Rev. Joseph Kim

    1. Seeking unity: 연합을 추구하는 공동체
    2. Desiring grace: 은혜를 사모하는 공동체
    3. Restoring Eden: 에덴을 회복하는 공동체

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