Do. Love. Walk.(2): Love Mercy

2018년 1월 21일 NExT 주일예배
미가 Micah 6:8, 사무엘 하(2 Samuel) 9:1-13
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Park

  1. Seek opportunities to share God’s mercy
  2. Be a part of restoring the brokenness.
  3. Extends God’s grace above and beyond

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Life @ Church (3): Care & Hang in there

2017년 9월 24일 NExT 주일예배
사도행전 Acts 17:1-9
말씀 박혁 목사
By Rev. Jason Pak

  1. Sharing the gospel is the sign of a caring church.
  2. Endure for the gospel unconditionally.

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